Steps to follow when painting your kitchen

Steps to follow when painting your kitchen

Painting the kitchen walls is much easier as compared to painting for example the bedroom or living room. Most of the kitchen space is occupied by cabinets or work surfaces which reduces the amount of space to be painted. Here are some easy to follow steps when painting your kitchen for the best results:

Choose your Kitchen Color.

Choose your ideal paint color for your kitchen with careful consideration. Make sure your choice colour has a high visual impact and aligns with the concept of the kitchens environment such as food and eating. Very dark colors, cold neutral and other colours like green, purple, violet, and others in the same category do not stimulate appetite and may well instead look out of place.

Thus,they are not ideal for your kitchen. Neutral colors tend to be boring . However, if they are blended with some bold colors like yellow, red, or orange, neutrals can bring some warm impact into your kitchen. On the other hand,  green, violet, or blue should be mixed with plain and or neutral colors to bring about a cooled down effect.

Most designers and homeowners  recommend light yellow as the ideal color to pick for your kitchen. It’s friendly and can complement the look of your  kitchen cabinets. Yellow also reflects ambient light, which is really important if you are living in a darkened house. All white kitchens bring about class and elegance into your kitchen; you can go all white walls plus white cabinets. However, with this said, your kitchen colour should also depend on your personal preference.


Choose your Ideal Paint Finish.

Paint for interior walls come in different kinds of shine. Finish refers to the level of shininess in the paint coat when dried.

The level of shine is determined by the amount of light they reflect, determined by the paint chemistry.

High gloss paints contain high binders and resin, which helps create a shiny surface that reflects a lot of light. Semi-gloss: this shine can be rubbed from the wall easily, but its finish also reflects light. Even though it is mostly used on woodwork, it is a viable option for high-use spaces like the kitchen and bathrooms. Satin: this finish gives a versatile and elegant finish for active rooms.

It is commonly used for kitchens and bathrooms, but some designers have embraced it on other walls. Eggshell: these paints are more scrubbable than flat paints.

They are ideal for ceiling and walls in rooms that don’t receive a lot of wear. Flat finish: this sheen is ideal for low traffic spaces. This paint diffuses light, and they tend to hold dirt, making it hard to clean.

Determine Where to Paint

Determine the square footage of your kitchen wall so that you can be aware of how much paint is required. Take your kitchen square footage, multiply by the height, and then add it up to know how much paint to buy.

If you are remodeling, you will require less paint since space is filled with cabinets, flooring, and other things. However, you can buy the paint as if you are painting an empty room and save the remaining paint for future use.

Clean the Area to be painted

Unless you are painting a new room with fresh drywall, you will need a lot of cleaning. However, if your wall contains old paint, you may require scrubbing it off. You will also need to clean essential areas like behind the cookers, above the stove, and counters, which may need to be washed using hot water.

Using TSP is important, especially on the door trims. Also, dust the room and remove cobwebs using a damp cloth or a vacuum.

If your room floor is already done, mask and cover the floor to prevent paint drips. Apply mask tape to trim before you start painting the wall. Drape the cabinets, tables, and other appliances with plastic sheeting or use a masking film. Apply primer on the wall, especially if you are painting drywall.


Now your kitchen area is ready for painting. Allow your paint to dry for about two hours. Dip the brush into the paint and manually paint the area. Avoid drips by applying the paint minimally without re-brushing. Apply an additional coat to allow the paint color to deepen and reach its full potential.

With these tips you should be able to determine the best color for your kitchen as well as the best painting  procedure.

To see on how to choose paint colours further then you can watch some great videos we found here or alternatively you can check out our other blog here